Sunday, November 28, 2010

Golf, more addictive than chickens

We golf at the Ken-Wo course in New Minas, which is closed for the season as of this writing.  David has been a member for close to 30 years but I did not acquire the addiction until we retired in 2004.  I can think of no better activity to keep the mind and body active in retirement, or of no harder activity in which to become a top achiever.  I wish I had begun when younger, I was a curler in high school on the first team to permit women's provincial competition but we were not allowed on the golf course.  I know, it's a travesty by today's standards, but in the 1960's it was the norm. 

This is a view from the 14th tee at Ken-Wo on a Men's Day im 2009.  They're waiting for the group ahead to move forward so they can use their drivers for a difficult shot.

This is taken after a Ladies' Day competition.  It took me a long time to improve, I'll never have a handicap as low as David's but I did win a trophy in 2009 for having the greatest drop in handicap in the Women's division, and it took me out of the dreaded third division.

You meet great people when golfing.  They tend to be courteous, humble and persistent.  Some of them are parents to junior golfers and our club has an amazing program for them run by our pros.  They take a lot from golf into the other parts of their lives.  The Annapolis Valley is a wonderful place to grow up, and it shows.

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